Saturday, August 30, 2008

(Re) Awakening

Closer now
wide open eyes
a step or two
snapping dry eyes

closer now
tired sleep cover
fighting eye lid rest
afraid to miss the moment

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Blurred Freedom

No matter where I have traveled I carry with me the teaching of ‘listening’.
And always an image of myself if I lived passed fifty years.
I envisioned an old lady strolling with brain talk on her lips and hands lifted to the sky. Harmless behaviour instilling an uncomfortable curiosity in the parade’s routine.
Urban life disrupted one strand at a time.
One mind wanders freely and another battles the temptation to step from the usual
The fifty year old me doesn’t wait for the world’s approval.
A belief – a life - laid out each day with faith in the ancient ones, the Great Spirit, Tunkashila.
No shame with the choice to be true to self.
No guilt in revealing to the world.

Humorously speaking about human nakedness
to a face of masks at crosswalks.
Humility for a moment
Standing on the corner of a busy down town intersection
with sage filled hands held up in the air
Prayers repeated and eyes closed.
Pointing to the sky and saying ‘I know I know.
I picked the medicines today.’
Don’t be afraid. We helped each other.
Onlookers gasp.
And file away the experience as insane right next to memories of childhood imagination.
Just the way they were told to.
Boundaries of sanity and insanity
based on lingering fear and celebrated triumph.
What thoughts were proper and safe and what spread fear, imagination - hallucination.
A locking of eyes with the fifty year old me will bring you into insanity to sanity.
In those times when all the insane find each other we become a gang of happy nuts.
Freely standing to pray or thank something out there untouched by our hand.
A Creator offering miracles in a breath after a sunrise or arched rainbows.
An offering of tobacco to acknowledge the spirit message.
The presence of the other relatives –
Winged ones, four legged, earth crawlers, trees, flowers, rocks, the sun and the moon – Everything in the world has purpose and understands its place.
We have forgotten. We stopped listening.
Time to learn freedom all over again.
Free from the mental restrictions created by strangers.
Dream flying adventures revealing unfolding time
A reawakening of human connection with all that is.
The fifty year old me continues along paved sidewalks
Singing. Dancing. Listening.
Heyahey. Omakiya yayo! Tankashila.

Until then. I still hesitate