Amazing how a few dollars can change a day. Took my daughter and grandson to McDonalds today. That is such a treat. For some crazy reason it involves us in the world somehow, sitting in a restaurant, fast food amongst other families. We always supersize the meal so we can share. That was our treat for the month and it was great! I finished the chopping and editing of a poetry manuscript I needed to hand off to be read. That's done! Although tiny steps, those are the steps I need to continue to take in order to change my reality. That always sounds so odd when i write that. 'change my reality'. But that is what i want to do. i feel like i have been in a fog for so many years. When I look in the mirror I don't recognize that older person. When I review my day I am disgusted at the time I have spent in the fog. I have sat with so many women that have taken my words and friendship and said they are better for it. Yet I have so hard a time making those words/insights my reality.
I came across a site the other day about four young guys traveling and living the life to the fullest by living out a list they compiled. 'what do you want to do before you die?'. This got me to thinking. I and my daughter decided to put together our own list. Amazing how the whole world can open up when you dream. I will post my list when it is completed. My daughter says she needs a day or two to think about it. Imagine that. hahaha....but that is because we want to transform the list into a list of "things we have done in our life". I think that is a good plan.
"if you only had one day to live, what would you do before you die?"
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