Thursday, July 24, 2008

Spirit Fed

Catch the moment.
Was caught in a sudden rain shower.
Refreshing and wonderful to have something 'real' touch me.
I mean that in a good way.
It is so easy to get caught up in the superficiality of the day
Stepping in time like zombies. Like machines.

I was planning on writing a bit more as I sat in the park but instead I stood and watched as an amazing dark billowing cloud glided toward the city. The sight of it frightened me but I continued to stand in awe of the force of this natural event. Having seen many storms every one has its unique strength and presence. A bolt of lightning crawled across the sky from dark cloud over blue sky. What an odd sight. That is when I realized I should probably retreat to a safer point. Away from the steel water tower and steel fence surrounding the park. The rain poured and blinded anyone attempting to walk in it. An elderly man in the process of walking his dog skipped across the street pulling the leash and lifting his head once to search for shelter. A small silver car stopped and offered to take him out of the rain. He accepted. For a moment I wondered what he would have done if I had offered. But that doesn’t matter it was nice to see human kindness.

My grandson loves the rain.
When he was a baby we would sit and watch the rain and the lightening from our home in the country. (before the fire) the storm clouds always seemed within reach. I could see the twirling build up of the clouds just above my head. I would sing that old song and hold the tobacco up in offering for the blessings that follow the natural cleanse. The riches of spirit. The ‘real’ touching my soul was all I needed to understand. To know.

The sun is out now. As quick as it arrived the clouds have moved south east leaving behind the new. A reminder of our dependence on this earth. One earth.


The Mad Dog said...

Beautiful imagery...quite thought provoking.

Peace and joy...The Mad Celt

Poverty Reality said...

Thank you...